Saturday, August 1, 2009

Apple and AT&T irk fans of iPhone and Google Voice

I'd been behind the curve on following this flap over the last week, busy with other assignments. But now the FCC is getting involved in the decision by Apple to ban the VoIP application Google Voice from its App Store. It seems using your iPhone to make calls over a VoIP provider conflicts with the financial interests of AT&T, which is the exclusive carrier in the U.S. for the iPhone. Some say this is anti-competitive and that people Hope FCC can rein in Apple, AT&T.
Line forms outside the Apple store in
Santa Clara, Calif., the day the
iPhone 3GS goes on sale

A little off the beaten path but not by much. This post, titled "Irish entrepreneurs search for Silicon Valley pot of gold," is about a trade mission to Silicon Valley by some Irish entrepreneurs and economic development advocates. One of them is a guy whose gadget allows people to buy songs to play on their cell or smart-phone via text message.

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