Monday, January 5, 2009

I can blog, too, Pt. 1

I have extensive blogging experience, having been senior editor of a blog for my extended family since 2006. That's just for personal use, as is another blog titled "Mullico Musings", which offers my take on politics, current events and other personal interests. But I've also posted on commercial blogs, such as It posts blogs on a variety of topics, mostly "how-to" type articles. I've written a few combining my personal interest in cars with my knowledge of technology. Here's one recently posted on hybrid cars:
Midsized hybrids segment grows:

On a related subject, I also wrote about Shopping for green cars besides Prius or Escape

And now for something completely different, Suite101 has blog pages devoted to cloud computing, to which I contributed this article Dec. 11, 2008: Cloud Computing Not the Answer for Every Business

As you can tell, I am a very versatile writer with an ability to write with authority on a wide range of topics. Besides covering the tech industry in Silicon Valley, I've also been a business reporter covering multiple industries. I can pick up on new beats quickly.
On a more practical matter, I am able to write with the distinctive "voice" of a blogger, which is different from the third-person observer voice of the traditional journalist. Also, I have learned how to maximize the opportunity to draw readers to a blog with the right amount of links and the highlighting of keywords searchers will be drawn to.
Lastly, I can also blog with a sense of humor, a la "The Onion," as in this post on the speculation about the health of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, rumors that were dispelled with a company pronouncement Jan. 5 that he is being treated for a "hormone imbalance."

To inquire about Robert Mullins' availability for full or part time work, please write me at or call at 408-243-4302.

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